Manually Creating Booths

Exhibit booths can be manually created without the use of a .dwg floorplan

  1. Simply create the hall in the Exhibit Record.

  2. Click Edit next to the hall. The Edit Hall page will appear.

  3. Click Add New Booth.  In the Add Booth form:

    1. Assign the new booth to a Booth Space by choosing from the existing list or by creating a new booth space.

    2. Note: Subsequent options in this form will be slightly different depending on whether the space chosen is by square foot or of a fixed space.

    3. Width and DepthClosedThe width and depth of the booth. Booths of a fixed space type will display the non-editable size of the booth. Booths of a square foot space allow staff to enter number values into these fields.

    4. Booth NumberClosedThe unique number of the booth.

    5. Allow Exhibitors to Upload ImageClosedPermits the exhibitor to upload an image for this specific booth.

    6. Max Number of Uploads AllowedClosedSets the maximum number of document uploads an exhibitor can create for the booth.

    7. Max Number of Staff AllowedClosedThe maximum number of booth staff permitted.

    8. Allow Booth Staff AppointmentsClosedEnable the exhibitor to schedule appointments between attendees and booth staff.

    9. Max Number of Co-ExhibitorsClosedThe maximum number of co-exhibitors permitted in this booth.

    10. Short DescriptionClosedA brief description of the booth. Visible to exhibitors viewing the Booth Detail page.

Once booths have been manually created, prices can be set up for each booth as normal. See: Setting up Booth Prices.